Purpose, Objectives & Scope

Trinity Rawdon is committed to providing a diverse and inclusive environment which reflects and is in line with its Christian beliefs and principles and promotes equality of opportunity for its employees.

Trinity Rawdon aims to recognise and value the diversity of its members, employees and the local community and strives to understand and meet their different needs.

Trinity Rawdon aims to promote Diversity & Inclusion as an employer and seeks to ensure that Diversity & Inclusion principles underpin all areas of our employment.

Trinity Rawdon aims to take positive steps to redress discrimination, to improve equality of opportunity and to combat any unreasonable or unfair treatment which places people at a disadvantage for any reasons not directly related to their ability to do a job.

Trinity Rawdon are committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all.


Trinity Rawdon believes that Christian beliefs and teachings support and encourage inclusive behaviours and values.

Trinity Rawdon will endeavour to ensure that Diversity & Inclusion principles and practices are adopted. In particular to support this policy the Conduct, Capability & Disciplinary Policy and Dignity Policy will be used to act upon any complaints in relation to discrimination.

Trinity Rawdon supports a diverse and inclusive working environment. No job applicant or employee will be treated less favourably or disadvantaged by conditions or requirements that cannot be shown to be justifiable including under the following definitions and according to the following Policy Statement:


? Protected Characteristic
  • refers to sex, sexual orientation, colour, race, nationality or ethnic or national origins, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, disability, age, gender reassignment or religion or belief.

? Direct Discrimination
• is where a person is treated less favourably than others are, or would be, for a reason related to one or more of the ‘Protected Characteristics’.

? Indirect Discrimination
• occurs where an individual is subject to a provision, criterion or practice which one protected group finds more difficult to comply with than another (even though on the fact of it the provision is neutral)


Trinity Rawdon is an equal opportunities employer and will seek to ensure that:
? every job applicant and employee has the right not be treated less favourably as a result of one or more Protected Characteristics except:
? in relation to religious belief where being a Christian or complying with a requirement related to religious belief is an occupational requirement having regard to the ethos of the Rawdon and the nature of the employment or the context in which it is carried out
? persons already employed will be made aware of the provisions of this policy
? the application of any recruitment, training and promotion policies will be made on the basis of fair and objective criteria and based solely on job requirements and the individual’s ability and fitness for that work
? all persons responsible for the selection, management and promotion of employees will be given information and/or training to enable them to minimise the risk of discrimination
? appropriate training will be provided to enable employees to perform their jobs effectively and uphold the commitment to equality of opportunity
? encouragement is given to all employees to take advantage of opportunities for training
? any age limits imposed for entry to training will be objectively justified as a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim and will not unnecessarily exclude certain groups of employees
? recruitment, literature and advertisements will not imply that there is a preference for one group of applicants as against another unless there is an occupational requirement which will be clearly stated and the application of that requirement is a proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim
? the most effective ways will be employed to bring job vacancies to the attention of potentially disadvantaged groups
? applicants for posts will be given clear, accurate and sufficient information through advertisement, job descriptions and interviews, to enable them to assess their own suitability for a post
? the requirements of job applicants and existing members of staff who have or have had a disability will be reviewed to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to enable them to enter into or remain in employment with us. Promotion opportunities, benefits and facilities of employment will not be unreasonably limited and every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that disabled staff participate fully in the workplace
? employment policies and procedures are kept under review, in appropriate cases by formal monitoring routines, to ensure that they do not operate against the Church’s Policy Statement
? where it appears that the Church’s Policy Statement is not being observed the circumstances will be investigated to see if there are any policies or criteria which exclude or discourage employees and, if so, whether these policies and criteria are justifiable
? appropriate action is taken where necessary to redress the effects of any action, policy or criteria which are found to have unjustifiably limited the observance of the Church’s Policy Statement
? particular care is taken to deal with any complaints of unlawful discrimination and harassment on the grounds of a Protected Characteristic
? a criminal record is not in itself a bar to being appointed to any post. Only relevant offences will be taken into account when appointing to a post where a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check is required


Churches may want to consider whether, for any particular post, the exceptions excluding religious organisations from the normal requirements in relation to sexual orientation discrimination are to be applied

This Policy is authorised by Trinity Rawdon Leadership
Approval and Version Control
Status: Approved 14.05.17
By: Trinity Rawdon Leadership

P Lambert Trinity Rawdon Administrator

Version Review Date: 14/05/2022