Timothy calls us to fight the good fight of faith in 1Timothy 6:12

But what is the good fight? Is it a fight born of anger, revenge of pain or vanity? Or is it the desire for justice, based on faith and with the only purpose to bring glory to God and not ourselves?

At the moment the news is full of stories of injustice and people are taking action and fighting for those who are marginalised and persecuted because of the colour of their skin. I have therefore been reflecting on what the right fights are this week in my prayer time and found these words from my daily devotional ‘Breathe’ by Charlotte Gambill, a real blessing this morning. She says:

‘The right fight is always from a place of stability not vulnerability. When you are secure in who you are and whose you are it changes the way you fight.’ Breathe, pg 81

These two sentences led to nearly two hours of prayer and reflection in my journal where God brought me to a place where I could unearth my own fights and as I dug deeper, I saw how my personal battles have often taken place in the battlefield of my mind. These battles have been grounded on my own insecurity and lack of self-worth. I have been called to fight these lies since the day I accepted the truth into my life and I believe these are fights worth fighting, because these are the battles with our own demons, the lies that are going around and around in our heads, bringing us to our knees. This is where our battles begin. Fighting these lies on a daily basis will put us into a place of strength, a place of confidence in who we are in God not the eyes of the world, breaking the bondage of our needs into the freedom of serving God’s.

Winning for our own glory and satisfaction is not the way of God, he calls us to be instruments of His peace, to have soft hearts of grace of love and to only use His strength to fight injustice and the lies of the world and this begins with the lies that we have perhaps been listening to all our lives about ourselves. If we fight these worldly words then the way we fight and who we fight for will change because we will be seeking victories in Christ and not to prove our points.