The photo album of my heart

At the moment on Facebook folk are being nominated to post our favourite ten songs, book, albums, photographs and so on. Capturing a moment in time which has significance and meaning in our lives. Something which evokes memories and tells stories which only a select few or no one is party to. Perhaps the fact the meaning is never shared makes the process even more powerful.

When I reflected on this during my prayer time today I thought about the pictures of my heart and if I am honest I find that there are pictures that I wouldn’t or couldn’t share with anyone but God – perhaps they are too painful or too shameful. But at the same time had they not happened I would not be here, I would not be who I am and I certainly wouldn’t have the blessing of serving God in this place.

We all have albums of our hearts and sometimes it’s good to take those pictures out in a safe place in order to see how far we have come and how these times have impacted on present times.

They need not be happy smiling Face book images, presenting the life we want people to think we live – they may be the opposite – but they are our truth, they are authentic and a reflection of a life lived. They are part of our journey.

Perhaps during lockdown we might spend some time in the presence of God and gently take some of our heart pictures to him. We may be asking for healing, for forgiveness or perhaps we may give thanks and rejoice. However we feel this season has passed and should no longer haunt or hurt us because it now reminds us not of who we were but who we are in God.

May these words from my heart be a blessing to you in some way