Trinity Food Bank
Trinity Foodbank opened on Monday 16th January 2017 and we welcomed our first client in the second week of opening.
Since then we have experienced a steady increase in clients.
Please continue to pray that those in need will come, for this is no easy decision on their part!
Trinity operates as a Foodbank Centre out of Bradford North Foodbank.
Hours of opening to clients are Mondays between 11.00-13.30.
Volunteers begin their shifts at 10.00 and end at 14.00.
Volunteers do not need to attend every week and are allocated slots on a rota.
We will continue to collect and send our food donations to Bradford North Foodbank and are also supplied from there.
During opening hours we will provide Fairtrade tea and coffee, juice and light snacks, such as biscuits and teacakes.
We need:
- Continuing supplies of food – see the shopping list at the Trinity Church collection point for specific areas of need, especially long-life milk and juice,
toiletries, sanitary products
- People who have skills in book-keeping, data-input, publicity and those who are able to offer availability as a driver, especially if with have access to a van.
As time goes on, we hope that we will be able to bring more and more of our volunteers on board.
Thanks for your continued prayer and support.