Uniformed Organisations
Trinity Rawdon is home to both Scout and Guide groups.
Girlguides can go to their first ever sleepover, develop their self-confidence, lead their own camp, or simply have fun and try new things with girls their age.
Girls take what they do in guiding with them as they grow up. They develop the skills and confidence that they need to reach their full potential – as students, colleagues, parents, friends and citizens – and become the young women that they want to be.

To find out more about their activities and meetings please contact : jenny.brocklebank1@gmail.com
5:10 – 6.10pm
6.15 – 7.30pm
7.30 – 9.00pm
You could also use this link to Join us (https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter/)
The 12th Airedale Cubs Troop meet in the New Hall at Trinity Rawdon on Tuesday evenings between 6.30 – 8pm. They seek to offer young people fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others, so that they can make a positive impact in their local community.
Being a Cub Scout helps children and young adults to develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. They help young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.
To find out more about their activities and meetings please contact :Vicky Gilbert: cubsairedale12th@aol.com